The problem solving and meticulous craftsmanship that is involved in composing
hyper-realistic sculptures provides an endless amount of room to advance as an artist.
I’ve been training to become a sculptor for the special effects industry for a short
amount of time but hope to become more involved as I develop through making more
work. In order to accomplish the challenge of each piece, every aspect of the sculpture
must be validated in its physical appearance and how it relates to nature. The capability
of fabricating a realistic work of art can be valuable but may be boring if the design and
concept are unoriginal. Synthesizing multiple anatomies from nature while following the
rules of physics and functionality is what I intend to achieve. Inspired by films with
credible imaginary characters and nature itself, I would like to bring my creations to life
in a public space through artistry. All the artwork that is presented here is personal
work that I created in order develop my skill and find my own style. I'm currently located in NYC.