Life size bust of Andre the Giant casted in silicone
My brothers, my dad and I would wrestle in our basement where my dad build a fake wrestling ring made of multiple layers of carpet and ropes wrapped in foam. The spectacle of wrestling has always fascinated me ever since I was a child. It is the wrestler's ability to capture an audience and bring them to an alternate reality that filled me with amazement. One larger than life icon whose popularity stretched beyond the world of wrestling was Andre the Giant. I was never impressed with his in ring abilities but his size and presence alone mystified anyone who viewed him. As you watch videos of him wrestle or look at old photos, the reaction of the people who surround him are quite dramatic. Bringing that spectacle into a gallery setting with my bust of the Giant, was what I hoped to achieve.
Life size silicone wall mount.
This sculpture was inspired by The Last of Us
developed by Naughty Dog. He is infected with the Cordyceps virus
which is a fungus that possess the individual causing extreme rage and
eventual death.
3ft x 2ft
platinum silicone, acrylic Eyes, human hair, super sculpey teeth.
3/4 lifesize
Ceramic with a bronze metal coating
Life size bust made of platinum silicone.
Platinum Silicone, Acrylic Eyes
The model was made up using a silicone prosthetic adding scales and designs to the portrait. The scales and green color gave her a reptilian quality and the added designs give the makeup an art deco feel to it.
Photography: Ehsan Ababaf
Model: Melissa Deckert
This was a prop for a music video titled Velvet Leash by the band Sugar Red Drive. This silicone head was used on top of dummy with a tube running through the head to spurt fake blood out of the wound in the back of the head. The front half of the face was taken from a lifecast while the back half was sculpted.
Bronze Sculpture
18" x 24"
Life size bust of a friends father made of silicone rubber and human hair.
Fired earthenware figure study around 1ft x1ft
A silicone half mask for a wall display.
platinum silicone, acrylic eyes
1ft x 9''
This character is a anthropomorphized silicone portrait. The piece was shown as a weak old creature laying in a bed encased in glass but I also added the school portrait with a fake body to show him in a different way.